Shaking prisons with the gospel of Jesus Christ and making disciples of those incarcerated

    Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.
    2 Corinthians 5:17
  • Mission

    The mission of Crossroads is to glorify God, fulfill the Great Commission, and make disciples of those in prison. Although the primary objective of this ministry is the eternal salvation of those we minister to, we also seek to bear the temporary afflictions and burdens of those in prison. We believe that there is no sin too grave or too insignificant for our Lord to overcome, and with His help, those impacted by crime and incarceration can become productive members of society and fellow workers in the building of God’s kingdom. We believe that through the power of the cross, and the Lord’s love that shines through His people, we can be the light that helps those in prison see life from a biblical worldview.


    The apostle Paul penned these words: For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, ‘How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news’ ! (Romans 10:13–15, ESV)


    While quoting Joel 2:32 and Isaiah 52:7, Paul reiterates some particularly important truths that bookend a series of rhetorical questions. First, from the prophecy of Joel, the Lord promises that “everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved” (Joel 2:32; see also Romans 0:13). This prophecy has been fulfilled through the person and work of Jesus Christ, and as Peter makes clear in his address before the Jewish leaders, “there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved” (Acts 4:12). Second, Paul poses the questions, how can “they call on him in whom they have not believed?” and how can “they to believe in him of whom they have never heard?” (v. 14a). People can only believe and call upon the name of Jesus after they hear about Him, but Paul presents another series of questions, “how are they to hear without someone preaching?” and “how are they to preach unless they are sent?” (v. 14b-15a). People can only hear when someone preaches the Good News. Douglas Moo expounds upon this passage stating that while Paul clearly assumes it needs to be done, he is not calling upon the church to send out missionaries. What Paul is attempting to say is that God has already sent His people out to preach the Good News. God has sent Crossroads to preach the Good News of the Gospel to those in prison, and as Paul proclaims, how beautiful are the feet of those who bring the Good News (v. 15).

  • About

    Why Prison Ministry and Re-Entry Matters

    • 2.2 million people are incarcerated in the United States. 95% will be released back into the community.
    • Of this 95%, 2 out of 3 will be rearrested within 3 years due to a lack of support.
    • As of December 2019, there were 34,079 people incarcerated across North Carolina at correctional institutions.
    • 128,000 different people are booked into NC jails.
    • NC has an incarceration rate of 617, meaning the state locks up more of its people than almost any other place in the world.
    • 179,000 children under the age of 18 in NC have experienced parental incarceration.
    • Over 80% of the women in the North Carolina Correctional Institution for Women are mothers.
    • 98% of women in prison have been severely abused in their lifetime.
    • 84% of men in prison have been abused or drug endangered as children.

    These are just a few of the harrowing statistics surrounding mass incarceration in our country. While we understand that these individuals have made the choices that led to their incarceration, we, as Christians, also know what it is like to be in bondage to sin. Christ has set us free from guilt, shame, and judgement of sin and we know that these prisoners can experience freedom in Christ, just as we have ourselves. This is why Crossroads desires to share the love of Christ with those in prison, that they too may be set free from the power of sin and death, brought from darkness to light, and experience the love that God has for us in Christ.


    Crossroads is based in Wake County, North Carolina, and seeks to make disciples inside prisons, supporting individuals and their families during their incarceration, as well as during their transition back into the community post-incarceration. We provide bibles, bible studies, one-on-one discipleship, ongoing prayer support, lay counseling, and other needs, as well as supply backpacks and resources for those re-entering society after prison.

  • send your incarcerated loved one a Bible

    We believe that every person should have a personal copy of God’s Word in a translation that they can read and comprehend. Because of this belief, we have sent 1,603 Bibles and discipleship books* to those in prison. These are sent directly to the incarcerated individual, or through the re-entry backpacks that are delivered to recently released individuals. If you would like to sign up an incarcerated loved one for a Bible, please fill out the form below.


    *from July 2019 to April 2023

  • Get Involved

    Ministry Offerings and Partnership Opportunities

    crossroads prison ministry apex cary nc reentry re-entry north carolina bibles for prisoners inmates jail


    Men and women can play a powerful role in discipling the incarcerated, helping them learn how to disciple others, and offer much-needed care and support. We are in need of mentors, especially for men. Spanish speaking mentors is a huge need.

    crossroads prison ministry apex cary nc reentry re-entry north carolina

    Re-Entry Backpacks

    Backpacks are distributed to various locations NC, including NC Correctional Institution for Women, Wake County Correctional, Orange County Correctional, Wake County Re-entry, and Guilford County Re-entry. Backpacks include essential hygiene items, gift cards, and a Bible. 174 backpacks have been donated since 2019 to those re-entering society into homelessness. Contact us for a supply list.

    crossroads prison ministry apex cary nc reentry re-entry north carolina order a bible for someone in jail

    Biblical Lay Counseling

    Biblical counseling for childhood trauma and substance abuse.

    crossroads prison ministry apex cary nc reentry re-entry north carolina


    • Canines for Christ: Contact us if you would like to schedule a visit with Titus
    crossroads prison ministry apex cary nc reentry re-entry north carolina spanish speaking hispanic help jail inmate translate spanish prison

    Spanish Ministry

    Crossroads is overjoyed to offer discipleship in Spanish through our new ministry catalyst. If you would like more information, contact us.


    Crossroads se complace en ofrecer discipulado en español a través de nuestro nuevo ministerio

    catalizador. Para más información contácte a Crossroads.

  • Contact Us

    Contact us with questions or to get involved